A trinitarian perspective on Christian discipleship

In The Call to Discipleship , trinitarian theologian Karl Barth (pictured at left) addresses the topic of Christian discipleship. In doing so, he interacts with Scripture (particularly Jesus' Sermon on the Mount) and related views set forth by his friend and colleague Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Bonhoeffer's classic book, The Cost of Discipleship (published originally as Discipleship ). Following are selected quotes from Barth's short, but helpful book (Fortress Press edition, 2003). 'Follow me' is [Jesus' call] to discipleship... Easily the best that has been written on this subject is to be found in Discipleship , by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. (pp. 1-2) Following [Jesus] as [his first disciples] practiced it... had both an inward and an outward limit... They [accompanied] him wholeheartedly and constantly, sharing his life and destiny at the expense of all other engagements and commitments, attaching themselves to him, placing themselves in his service, ...