Presenting a Christ-centered gospel

Jeff McSwain As disciples of Jesus it is our calling and privilege to share the gospel with believers and non-believers, as we "go" (Matthew 28:19). How we understand and present the gospel necessarily flows from our understanding of who God is (call this our "working theology"). Jeff McSwain of Reality Ministries wrestles with his working theology in the context of sharing the gospel with teens. He argues against a gospel that flows from a theology that sees a separation between God and mankind (viewing God as separate from sinners until they repent); and thus a separation within the Godhead (seeing a Jesus that lovingly touches sinners, but a Father who remains separate until sinners repent). McSwain notes that God the Father is not separate (alienated) from sinners. He is the loving father in Jesus' parable who is unrestrained in reaching out to love his prodigal son even in the depths of the son's depravity. God (Father, Son and Spirit) is fully ...