Living by Faith in Jesus (preaching resource for 8/28/22)
This post exegetes Hebrews 13:1-21, drawing on multiple sources including commentary from Warren Wiersbe (Bible Expository Commentary), F.F. Bruce (Epistle to the Hebrews) and D.A. Carson (New Bible Commentary). “Jesus and the Canaanite Woman,” by Pieter Lastman (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction Hebrews chapter 11 gives us examples of faithful people. Chapter 12 then exhorts us to persevere in the faith. And now in chapter 13 we are given ‘real-world’ examples of living by faith in Jesus. Here we find the life-style of a follower of Jesus. Of course, Christians are not ‘yellow pencils’, nor are they perfect; but in their lives you will find certain defining characteristics. This chapter gives four: 1) they love others, 2) they are responsive to church leaders, 3) they are given to worship, and 4) they are yielded to Jesus. Let's explore each one. 1. Love for others (13:1–6) Love for others is a preeminent Christian virtue. We see this clearly in Jesus...