Atonement = Inclusion

In An Introduction to Torrance Theology (T&T Clark, 2007; edited by Gerrit Scott Dawson), several contemporary theologians share their understanding of T.F. Torrance's Trinitarian (Nicene) faith. In a chapter by Dawson, there is a helpful explanation of how the atonement accomplished by Christ is not something our Lord did for us in a way external to his person, but is what he did within his own person. Through the incarnation, the eternal Son of God added our humanity to his divinity. Through this (hypostatic) union, all humanity is included in the love and life of God—and through that inclusion humans have atonement with God in its full sense. In short, Atonement = Inclusion. "Christ Pantocrator" icson at Saint Catherine's Monastery (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Here is a quote where Dawson summarizes this point: Our salvation has occurred within the life of God. It is as secure as his own eternal being! As long as Jesus the eternal Son of God is u...