Jesus' High Priesthood: our life

In Jesus Ascended, the Meaning of Christ's Continuing Incarnation (T&T Clark, 2004) Gerrit Scott Dawson (pictured at left) shows how vital it is to understand Jesus' ascension as God still in human (though now glorified) flesh. As the ascended God-man, Jesus is our High Priest. He now resides bodily and intercedes continuously for us from heaven. And through his Spirit he lives in us and with us here on earth. In these ways he shares with us the eternal life that is his in communion with the Father and the Spirit. The ascended Jesus is our life - our "place" - with God (see John 14:2). Dawson quotes Andrew Murray: As Son, Christ alone was heir of all that God had. All the life of the Father was in Him. God could have no union or fellowship with any creature but through His beloved Son, or as far as the life and spirit and image of the Son was seen in it. If our salvation was not to be a merely legal one - external and, I may say, artificial - but an entranc...