
The Resurrection of the Dead (preaching resource for Epiphany 5, 6 & 7)

This exegesis of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 provides context for the RCL Epistle readings on Epiphany 5, 6 & 7 (2/9, 2/16 & 2/23/25). Insights are drawn from commentary by Warren Wiersbe ("Bible Expository Commentary") and Bruce Winter ("New Bible Commentary"). (via Tim Staples at Introduction   The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is an encouraging core teaching of the Christian faith. Sadly, it was rejected by Greeks who embraced a dualistic philosophy that viewed the body as evil and the spirit (viewed as an immortal soul) as good. Death was thus seen as the release of the spirit/soul from its bodily prison. The idea that God will resurrect people bodily was thus to Greeks both absurd (Acts 17:32) and unwelcome. Despite this Greek viewpoint, Corinthian Christians (most who were Greek) embraced (at least at first) the doctrine of the bodily resurrection. However, by the time Paul wrote 1 Corinthi...

Spirit-given Unity, Diversity and Maturity (preaching resource for Epiphany 4)

This exegesis of 1 Corinthians chapters 12-13 provides context for the RCL Epistle reading on Epiphany 4 (2/2/25). Insights are drawn from commentary by Warren Wiersbe ("Bible Expository Commentary") and Bruce Winter ("New Bible Commentary").   Reconstruction of the city of Corinth in Paul's day (via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction   In 1 Corinthians chapter 11 Paul exhorts the Corinthian church to resolve the disorder occurring in its assemblies due to controversy about head coverings in church and wrong approaches to sharing the Lord’s Supper. Now in chapters 12 and 13, Paul addresses a third source of their disorder—the misuse of spiritual gifts: " Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant " (1Cor. 12:1). Though they possessed many and varied spiritual gifts, the Corinthian Christians displayed immaturity in their use. How sad that the gifts given by the Spirit to create unity in the church were a source of disorder and d...

Erskine on God's purpose for creating humanity

The following essay is an adaptation of Chapter III of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen’s last book "The Spiritual Order and Other Papers." Erskine requested that it be published after his death (in 1870) and prefaced with these words (emphasis added):  I regard the principle here set forth as forming the very basis of the Gospel; proclaiming, as it does, God’s eternal and unchanging Purpose for man —to raise him by education into fellowship with Himself — to make him a partaker in His own righteousness and His own blessedness. A new edition of "The Spiritual Order" with notes by Richard Leimbach and an introductory essay by C. Baxter Kruger is being readied for publication and expected to be out in early 2025.  Thomas Erskine of  Linlathen Is it a correct description of man’s state in this world to call it “a state of probation”? Undoubtedly, there are few phrases in popular theology more generally accepted than this, but does it give a true explanation of our condition...

Three Voices Pointing Us to Christ (preaching resource for Epiphany 3)

This exegesis of Psalm 19 provides context for the RCL reading in the Book of Psalms on Epiphany 3 (1/26/25). Insights are drawn from Allen Ross ("Bible Knowledge Commentary") and J.A. Motyer ("New Bible Commentary").   "David, King of Israel" by Honthorst (public doman via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction In Psalm 19, we encounter three voices that speak in counterpoint: 1) God’s voice in creation (natural revelation), 2) God’s voice in the Law (special revelation), and 3) David’s voice in response to God. All three voices point us to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Note that in this psalm, David first presents God as ’Ä“l , a name denoting God’s power as Creator. Then he speaks of God as Yahweh (“LORD”)—the personal name by which God revealed himself as Israel’s covenant God. This sequence is intentional, meant as a contrast to the pagan sun god, who was seen as the god of justice. David presents the Lord God as the Creator who created all that is (including the...

Encountering Jesus (preaching resource for Epiphany 2)

This exegesis of John chapter 2 provides context for the RCL Gospel reading on Epiphany 2 (1/19/25). Insights are drawn from Warren W. Wiersbe ("The Bible Expository Commentary") and I. Howard Marshall ("New Bible Commentary"). "Wedding at Cana" by Bloch (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction As we enter John chapter 2, six young Jewish men have trusted Jesus, starting a life-long walk with him as his disciples. Immediately, Jesus begins their training—his focus is to help them know him better. In chapter 2 we learn that this knowledge comes to them in three dramatic encounters with Jesus where they experience Jesus’ glory , his zeal and his knowledge .   1. His Glory  John 2:1–12 1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee…  This “third day” is apparently the 7th of John’s New Creation week (three days after Nathanael’s call on the 4th day, see John 1:45–51). Why this chronology? To make the point that Jesus is on a divine sched...

Testifying to Jesus' Divinity (preaching resource for Epiphany 1)

This exegesis of Luke chapters 3 and 4 provides context for the RCL Gospel reading on Epiphany 1 (1/12/25). Insights are drawn from vaious sources includingWarren W. Wiersbe ("The Bible Expository Commentary") and I. Howard Marshall ("New Bible Commentary").  "Baptism of Christ" by Willman (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction In Luke chapter 2 we lear about Jesus’ birth and childhood, Luke emphasizes our Lord’s humanity . Now in chapters 3 and 4, telling about Jesus early ministry, Luke emphasizes our Lord’s divinity . He does so by sharing the testimonies of five witnesses : John, God, Satan, Holy Scripture, and some demons. Though this is a mixed group, their testimonies agree on this: Jesus is the divine Son of God, now incarnate for us, and ministering among us. The questions raised by these testimonies are these: Do we believe in Jesus? Will we follow him? 1. John testifies  Luke 3:1–20 The first testimony witnessing to the divinity of J...