Jesus on Trial (preaching resource for Pentecost 27: 11/24/24)
Exegeting parts of John chapters 18 and 19, this post provides context for the RCL Gospel reading on 11/24/24 (Pentecost 27, Christ the King Sunday). This post draws on commentary from Warren Wiersbe ("Bible Expository Commentary") with insights from Donald Guthrie ("New Bible Commentary"), Michael Card ("Parable of Joy"), and F.F. Bruce ("The Gospel of John"). "Eco Homo" by Ciseri (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction Well before having Jesus arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jewish leaders plotted Jesus’ execution (John 11:47–54). This would be difficult to accomplish, because Roman law prohibited the Jews from exercising capital punishment. Thus it was necessary for them to get Roman participation. And this meant visiting Pilate, Roman Governor of Judea, who was visiting Jerusalem during Passover season. Though Pilate disliked the Jews, he knew how to manipulate their power structures to his advantage. He was a we...