Deep church: a Eucharistic community

This post concludes our review of the book Deep Church Rising by Andrew G. Walker and Robin A. Parry. For other posts in this series, click a number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 . Holy Communion (stained glass window) Wikimedia Commons Noting that in the Eucharist, "right belief, right worship and right practice embrace," Walker and Parry conclude their book, Deep Church Rising, imploring each church to become a Eucharistic community (p.145). They remind us that the apostolic tradition placed Holy Communion at the heart of the worship service--- visually (Table front and center), liturgically (order of service centered on the Supper) and theologically (the gospel, which is re-enacted in the Eucharist, being the basis for the sermon and all other worship elements). Sadly, many contemporary evangelical churches de-emphasize the Eucharist, some even viewing it as "a distraction from the real ...