What about regeneration and evangelism?

Christ on the Cross by Carl Heinrich Bloch Public domain via Wikimedia Commons (updated 1/2/2023) In discussing our inclusion in the triune life of God in and through Jesus, a question pertaining to the related issues of regeneration and evangelism often emerges. It goes something like this: Given our inclusion in Christ through his incarnation, life, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension; how are we to understand what happens to us when we are "born again" (regenerated) at the moment we turn to God in faith? The key issue in answering this question is understanding that Jesus (who is fully God and fully human) is the beginning point and the focus of all such questions. As I've wrestled with this topic, I've been aided by Thomas Torrance in his books The Mediation of Christ and The Christian Doctrine of God. Perhaps an excerpt concerning regeneration and evangelism from The Mediation of Christ will contribute to our understanding: It is ...