The line from Christmas to Easter

Growing up, our family photo album wasn’t complete each year without picturing the joy of both Christmas and Easter. From toddler to teen years, there were pictures of us kids grinning from ear to ear by the Christmas tree in the living room, and a few pages later we were outdoors, dressed in Easter outfits and squinting in the sunlight of Spring. As the years passed, each combination of pictures help show who we were and who we were becoming. Incarnation (public domain) Of course we were not theologians—just a typical church-going family in the 1950’s and 60’s. But Christmas (which is about the Incarnation of the Son of God ) and Easter (which is about his resurrection) really are inseparable. T.F. Torrance makes this plain in Atonement, the Person and Work of Christ : The teaching of the New Testament makes it clear that we cannot isolate the resurrection from the whole redeeming purpose of God, or from the decisive deed of God in the incarnation of his Son that ran its f...