We are free yet bound to God
Dr. John McKenna [Updated 7/8/2019] Dr. John McKenna (deceased), former Grace Communion International doctrinal advisor and Grace Communion Seminary faculty member had a keen interest in the meaning and nature of the freedom that is ours in Christ. Here is an excerpt from a book he was writing prior to his death: From time to time there has arisen in the course of human culture ways of thinking in which aspects of reality that are naturally integrated have been torn apart from each other, with damaging effect in different areas of knowledge. (T. F. Torrance, " The Mediation of Christ ," p. 1) We are free yet bound to God! The concept of freedom is both complex and simple. With our thought and experience in this world, it possesses a certain simplicity and complexity. We explore the full range of the complex of freedomās simplicity and complexity aware, perhaps profoundly, of the great diversity in our considerations of this concept. Freedom may mean somethi...