Did God forsake Jesus at the cross?

Did God forsake Jesus at the cross? Tom McCall gives a thoroughly Trinitarian answer in his book Forsaken ( click here for my review). The question is also addressed by several Trinitarian theologians in interviews on GCI's You’re Included video program. Following are quotes from those interviews, beginning with Ray Anderson: "The Trinity says that God is both above and he is below, God is involved. The one who dies on the cross has to be as fully God as the Father in heaven. Jesus says, 'God, my Father, why have you forsaken me?' This has to be, not only the language of Psalm 22, the human lament of forsakenness that Jesus takes on his own lips, but it has to be that God himself has, in a sense, assumed a humanity estranged from God, so that atonement begins in Bethlehem. "T.F. Torrance said you have to go back to the fact that the one who was born from the womb of Mary was born to assume the human estrangement, to assume the sentence of deat...