A Trinitarian view of the Lord's Supper

This post explores the profound Christ-centered, Trinitarian meaning of the Lord's Supper as presented by theologians Thomas F. Torrance, Daniel Migliore and James B. Torrance. For a related post on baptism, click here ; for one on the sacraments in pastoral ministry, click here . "The Communion" by Velázquez (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Thomas F. (TF) Torrance In Gospel, Church, and Ministry (Jock Stein, Ed.), TF says this concerning the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper: It is at Holy Communion above all that we see Christ face to face and handle things unseen and feed upon his body and blood by faith. It is there in the real presence of Christ that we grasp something of the wonder of the Savior’s love and redeeming sacrifice, and understand that it is not our faith in Christ that counts but his vicarious life and sacrifice, his redeeming life and death that count. It is at Holy Communion when the bread and wine are put into our hands, ...