The resurrection and the person of Jesus Christ

This post from Torrance scholar Myk Habets summarizes chapter two of Thomas F. Torrance's book " Space, Time and Resurrection ." Myk wrote this post for a meeting of the Torrance Reading Group . For additional chapter summaries, click on the number: 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 . The Resurrection by Ricci (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Chapter 2 of Space, Time and Resurrection is very much focused on the person of Jesus and as such it is an exercise in pro-Chalcedonian Christology, with all that this entails. Within recent theology the theme of sharing in the mind of Christ is most forcefully made by Thomas Torrance. Sharing in the mind of Christ takes on a heuristic force in Torrance’s work, pointing the reader back to Jesus Christ himself who’s life, thoughts, prayers, and particularly worship, become ours in a Trinitarian event of transposition. Drawing heavily on John McLeod Campbell’s theology, Torrance contends that the believer ...