A Christ-Centered Approach to Doctrine and Duty (preaching resource for 12/25/22)

This post exegetes Titus chapter 2, providing context for the 12/25/22 (Christmas Day) RCL Epistles reading. This exegesis draws on various resources, including commentary from John Stott. "St. Paul" by El Greco (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction In Titus chapter 1, Paul addresses the false teachers troubling the church on the island of Crete. Then in chapter 2, Paul turns to the responsibilities of his coworker Titus to behave in his ministry in Crete in a way that is entirely different from the false teachers, who profess to know God yet deny him by their teaching and actions (Titus 1:16). 'But as for you' (Paul writes to Titus) *you must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine* [sound teaching]' (2:1). Paul insists that doctrine and duty (behavior; ethics) go together. They must not be separated, and that includes within the home, which seems to be the primary scope of what Paul addresses in this chapter. Out of the fount of sound doctrine...