Jesus Tested in the Desert (preaching resource for 2/26/23, Lent 1)

This post exegetes Matthew 4:1-11, the RCL Gospel reading for 2/26/23 (Lent 1). It draws on multiple resources including "The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament" by Craig Keener, "The New Bible Commentary" by RT France, and "The Bible Knowledge Commentary" by Louis Barbieri. "Christ in the Wilderness" by Kramskoy (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction In Matthew chapter 3, Jesus is baptized on behalf of all humanity, anointed by the Holy Spirit for ministry to all humanity, and approved (accredited) by the Father as his Son who is given authority over all humanity (and all the cosmos). Now in chapter 4, Jesus is led by the Holy Spirit to be tested in the wilderness (desert), further preparing him for his ministry and further accrediting him as Messiah. We begin in Matthew 4:1: Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. A common recitation in the Old Testament is that God led or guided t...