How To Be a Gospel-Shaped Church (preaching resource for Advent 3, December 17, 2023)

This post exegetes 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, providing context for the RCL Epistle reading for 12/17/2023 (third Sunday of Advent). This exegesis draws on John Stott's commentary. Early Christian Worship in the Catacombs (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction In the second half of 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, the apostle Paul calls on the church to strengthen their life together as 'brothers' in the family of God. He does so by addressing three vital aspects of gospel-shaped Christian community: the church's leadership, the church's fellowship, and the church's worship. The church's leadership 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd, delegates to under-shepherds ('pastors') the oversight of the flock which Jesus bought with his own blood (Acts 20:28). We do not know what prompted Paul to write verses 12 and 13. Perhaps some church members had been disrespectful towards their leaders. Perhaps some leaders provoked this re...