Like Abraham, We Are Justified by Faith (preaching resource for Lent 2: February 25, 2024)
This post exegetes Romans chapter 4, providing context for the RCL Epistle reading on 2/25/2024 (Lent 2). This exegesis draws on "The Message of Romans" by John Stott. "Sacrifice of Isaac" by Caravaggio (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Introduction In Romans chapter 3, Paul proclaims the good news that ‘a righteousness from God’ (21) is a gift of grace through justification given to those who place their faith in God to save them (28). Paul grounds this gift in Christ's cross (21-26) and addresses objections to this astonishing truth which is the heart and core of the gospel (27-31). Now in Romans 4:1-25 Paul uses the Old Testament accounts about Abraham and David to demonstrate how justification by faith is God's one and only way of salvation—both in the Old Testament and the New. Paul uses Abraham as his main example for two reasons. First, he was the founding father of Israel, 'the rock from which (they) were cut' (Is. 51:1f.), the favored ...