Jesus, the revelation of God
I was reading in the newspaper of a clergyman working in retirement as a fire department chaplain. As I read the article, I found myself admiring his wonderful ministry of love to fire department personnel and fire victims. However, I was saddened by his statement that... If Jesus is the only way to salvation and you believe that, you follow that for you...I just have trouble with people saying 'I know my way is the right way.' If God is real - and I believe that's true - God is truth with a capital 'T.' You can't talk about an infinite being using finite language. Everybody's belief is, in reality, an assumption. While I sympathize with part of his statement, I beg to differ with his assertion that "you can't talk about an infinite being [i.e. God] using finite language." In essence, he is claiming that God is inaccessible in any full sense to human understanding. But the stunning truth about God given to us in Holy Scripture, i...