Craig Kuhlman submitted the following questions related to our personal participation in the salvation we have in Jesus. I encourage your reply to his questions via "comments."
- How can we maintain engagement (in face-to-face relationship with Jesus) without ebb and flow?
- How do we continue to live in that relationship and bear spiritual fruit without becoming formulaic, or something "that must be done" by ourselves, when all was done by Him?
- How can we maintain the Spirit's active regeneration that comes from face-to-face relationship with Jesus and yet avoid the impression we must "do" the spiritual disciplines, when Jesus has already done it all?
- What is "our part," if any? And is it fair to say, that if there is any "our part," isn't that part initiated by Him to begin with?
- If we have a part now, why didn't we have it from the beginning when we were dead in sin?