Ethics and the presence of God

(Updated 1/5/2021) Fundamental to any discussion about Christian ethics is the sure knowledge that the triune God has united humanity to himself in and through the vicarious humanity of the incarnate, crucified, risen and ascended Son of God, Jesus Christ. When our reasoning is grounded in and directed by this central truth, we will approach ethics not as what we might do to bring God near or to keep him near, but as our grateful response to the reality of God's presence with us, in the person of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. This incarnational and Trinitarian understanding of Christian ethics is unpacked in several Surprising God posts: Christian Ethics (series) We were made for Communion with God Trinitarian ethics: How then shall we live? A Theological Ethic (series) Barth's Theology of Relations God, Freedom and Human Dignity Ethics and the Holy Spirit as Creator Ethics and the Holy Spirit as Reconciler Ethics and the Holy Spirit as Redeemer Ethics and cu...