Justification in Christ

This post continues our look at what Dick Eugenio (in Communion with the Triune God ) says concerning Thomas F (TF) Torrance's view of the "how" of salvation . Last time we looked at participation in Christ . This time we'll look at justification in Christ. This is the second of 11 posts, for the other posts in this series, click on a number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 . According to Eugenio, TF was "adamant that justification should be expounded in the light of the vicarious person and work of Jesus Christ" ( Communion with the Triune God, Kindle ed, loc 1987). For TF, justification is what Jesus Christ accomplished for us, emphasizing "Jesus Christ" above "for us" so as not to lose in our thinking the priority of who Jesus is and what he has done in an objective sense for all of humankind. In upholding that Christ-centered perspective, TF is critical of those who give priority to subject...