Belong, Believe, Become (the Journey with Jesus)

Jesus Discourses with His Disciples by Tissot (public domain via Wikimedia Commons) Several years ago I attended a conference in which a presenter asked this question: "How do we minister to the typically post-modern, post-Christian younger generations?" He went on to note that the typical evangelical presentation of the gospel is not connecting with this cohort---a presentation that goes something like this: Behave: change the way you live---repent---act like you belong here Believe: change the way you think---have faith---believe like one of us Belong: because you have repented and now believe like we do, God forgives you and makes you his child---you are now reconciled/saved---you are now welcome here Another presenter suggested that we change the way we present the gospel to follow this pattern: Belong: you are accepted by God and by us, Jesus has included you in his life by grace---you are loved and accepte...