Praying for reconciliation in the face of racial hostility

Given recent events in the US, I feel it appropriate to pause from my regular posts on The Surprising God to address the shocking and divisive racial hostility erupting in many places and ways. This hostility flies in the face of all our Lord Jesus Christ stands for and, through the Spirit, is working toward in our world through his ongoing ministry of reconciliation. Source Toward the goal of reconciliation (and the transformation of the heart it entails), I offer below a litany (responsive prayer) by Rich Villodas (8/2017) for the body of Christ to pray in worship. Oh Lord, you are making all things new. Please lead us to participate in what you are doing. A Litany for Racial Hostility in our Country Leader : Lord Jesus, your Kingdom is good news for a world caught in racial hostility. We ask that you would give us grace for the deep challenges facing our country. Response : Oh Lord, only you can make all things new. Leader : Lord, we confess our anger and o...