Torrance: the homoousion is good news!

This post [updated 3/24/2019] continues a series that explores T.F. Torrance in Plain English wherein author Stephen D. Morrison unpacks nine key ideas in the Christ-centered, Trinitarian theology of Thomas F. Torrance . For other posts in the series, click a number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 . Last time we looked at Torrance's key idea that natural theology is useful in understanding God, but only when viewed in the light of divine revelation concerning God's true nature. This post looks at the divine nature by exploring Torrance's key idea that the tri-personal God (the Holy Trinity) is revealed to us in Scripture as "one in being" ( homoousion in Greek). Stephen Morrison comments on the meaning and importance of the homoousion in Torrance's scientific Trinitarian theology: The being and acts of the Father and the Son are one and not divided ( homoousion : "one in being"). This is a central doctrine in Torranc...