Freedom and God's omnipotent love

This post continues a review of key points in Ron Highfield's book, God, Freedom & Human Dignity: Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture . For other posts in the series, click a number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 . In this post we'll continue Highfield's exploration of how the God-centered self contrasts with the me-centered self, the latter being prevalent in our fallen, largely narcissistic world. If our core identity (sense of self) is going to be truly God-centered, we (by the grace of God) must begin by understanding who God is as revealed in the person and work of Jesus. According to Highfield, "Through Christ we come to know God as the eternal Trinity who lives by loving" (p. 127). By creating, sustaining and saving us in Christ and by the Spirit, this triune God shares with us, through a relationship of love, God's own self---his...