Advent: God breaks in

This post looks at Advent, the season of four Sundays that begins the Western-Christian liturgical year. The meaning of Advent In his book Ancient-Future Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year , Robert E. Webber shares this concerning the meaning of the season of Advent: Advent is the time when God breaks in on us with new surprises and touches us with a renewing and restoring power. In Christian-year worship and spirituality we call upon God for a new breaking in, a fresh outpouring of his Spirit. (p. 38) Advent Season is a profound reminder to us that God is not remote, aloof or uninvolved. Advent tells us that God has come, is coming, and will come again ("advent" means "coming" or "arrival"). This glorious truth helps offset a message that is prevalent in our me-centered, self-sufficient, individualistic culture: I can do it on my own, thank you! The forthcoming season of Advent begins a new cycle of annual worship in what...