The Blessings of Life in the Spirit (preaching resource for Trinity Sunday: 5/26/24, Pentecost 1)

This post exegetes Romans 8:1-17, providing context for the 5/26/24 (Trinity Sunday) RCL Epistle reading. This exegesis draws on commentary from John Stott's and "The Expositor’s Bible Commentary." "Pouring of the Holy Spirit" by van Dyk (public domain va Wikimedia Commons) Having discussed in Romans 7 the frustrations of seeking to live for God under the law, Paul now turns in Romans 8 to the blessings that come through living for God in the Spirit. Contrasting the law and the Spirit, Paul shows that the law has no power to save or to deliver from indwelling sin, whereas the Spirit does both. Thus the apostle points Christians away from living under the law to a life animated, sustained, directed, transformed and enriched by the Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:1-17 he describes several glorious blessings of life in the Spirit. No condemnation Romans 8:1 The first blessing of life in the Spirit is related to what Paul wrote in chapter 5: 'Therefore, since we ha...