The Resurrection of the Dead (preaching resource for Epiphany 5, 6 & 7)

This exegesis of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 provides context for the RCL Epistle readings on Epiphany 5, 6 & 7 (2/9, 2/16 & 2/23/25). Insights are drawn from commentary by Warren Wiersbe ("Bible Expository Commentary") and Bruce Winter ("New Bible Commentary"). (via Tim Staples at Introduction The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is an encouraging core teaching of the Christian faith. Sadly, it was rejected by Greeks who embraced a dualistic philosophy that viewed the body as evil and the spirit (viewed as an immortal soul) as good. Death was thus seen as the release of the spirit/soul from its bodily prison. The idea that God will resurrect people bodily was thus to Greeks both absurd (Acts 17:32) and unwelcome. Despite this Greek viewpoint, Corinthian Christians (most who were Greek) embraced (at least at first) the doctrine of the bodily resurrection. However, by the time Paul wrote 1 Corinthi...